Alright, I know I've been a bit quiet, but it's only the calm before the storm.
As I type, Marcin is hard at work overseas developing some really cool stuff. All I can say is it has to do with our Rocket Race Suit, Rocket Bottles, Rocket Bag, and a version of our Rocket Wetsuit. Yes, I said "version". Do I have your attention? Gee, I wish I could elaborate!
So, along with that Marcin is scouting out and setting in place backup factories just in case of, well, just in case. I think it's prudent for us to have a backup plan, don't you?
More news to come soon, hopefully about some sponsorships, a super secret product which will turn the industry on it's ear, and maybe even world peace! Okay, maybe not world peace, but I can dream, right?
Until then here is a list of events we are going to attend this year...
Boulder Peak Triathlon 7/22/2007
Chicago Triathlon 8/24/2026
Austin Triathlon 9/3/2007
LA Triathlon 9/9/2007
Malibu Triathlon 9/16/2007 tentative
Redman Triathlon 9/22/2007
Interbike 9/26/2007
US Open Tri Championship Dallas 10/14/2007 tentative
TriOneOOne Championship Houston 11/11/2007 tentative
Bermuda Triathlon 11/18/2007