Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Robbery

Being a big kid at heart (and engineer at mind) the thing I look forward to most other than opening gifts is putting things together that need assembly. The bigger and more difficult a project the better!

This year we got a new barbeque grill. Yes, my eyes were all a glow with the anticipation of conquering yet another construction project. It's time to build!

Step one, open box. My eyes widened and my pulse quickened as I glared into the sea of styrofoam and cardboard packaging. Step two, take out contents and find nuts and bolts.
Step 3, start with assembly of grill cabinet. Er, what? The wheels are already attached on the bottom? After bolting the 3 sides to the base I was done with this part. Well that was easy! My pulse slowed and pupils went back to normal. Huh! Okay then the top grill part should be fun, right? The top and bottom of the main grill section was already together but packed full of boxes and more styrofoam. Yeah! This looks good! Pulse quickens again... at least until I take out the boxes and find that the burners are already in place, and the boxes only contained the grates and shelves that go in pre-slotted spots. Even the knobs are already attached for crying out loud! Time to clean the grates. Game over.

The last grill had required hooking up dangerous gas lines, installing the burners, and assembling and attaching the regulators! They are apparently making barbeque grill assembly stupid proof these days, leaving absolutely no challenge for me. I have effectively been robbed this holiday.

I sincerely hope the rest of you out there have had a wonderful holiday. Cheers!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rocket Bag Makes Pez's Holiday List

Pez Cycling News is a daily visit of mine. Okay, so it's a bit "roadie" for most tri-geeks, but seeing that I'm more road-geek than tri-geek it's acceptable for me. Besides, our product designer is enough tri-geek for the whole company. And yes, for those who know and love him, that would be Marcin.

Besides, I have a good excuse for not running, I get terrible shin splints. Swimming is a different story. I have no excuse not to swim except that it's too simple for me to participate in. What I mean to say is that there aren't many cool technical gadgets to use while swimming unless you are scuba diving. Now that I have done and love to do. If I'm going to have to go through all the steps of driving somehwere, changing, getting wet, drying off, showering and then gettting dressed again their had better be a lot of cool tech gadgets involved!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Rocket Science Sports Chooses Limestone Based Neoprene For Wetsuit Designs.

Rocket Science Sports' research and development doesn't just stop at making things measurably faster or lighter, but greener as well. For those not keeping tabs on the latest hip talk, I mean ecologically friendly.

Rubber (neoprene) is typically made of a petrochemical base. The neoprene used in our wetsuits is made of a limestone base which is 99.7% calcium carbonate! This means it is much safer for the environment once it's been discarded. As well, manufacturing and processing of the neoprene done with hydroelectric power, and the waste heat is used for eel farming. Yum yum!

We believe that while we strive for the stars with our technology and performance, there is no reason to forget about taking care of the earth beneath our feet. Rocket Science Sports stands by this commitment.

The RSS Family

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Competitor's Bags

Proof positive that some of our competitors just don't get it when it comes to bag design...

My buddy David Walker from VeloNews