Sunday, March 4, 2007

Building A Foundation

In the last week or so I've been fed a few tidbits of information from Marcin as to what's going on in the company so I wouldn't be completely in the dark on day 1. My second day of work is in a meeting with all the major players in this game, Marcin (CEO), Eunice (CFO) and Rianna (Event Coordinator).

Marcin Sochacki is the founder and CEO of the company. He has been an athlete all of his life and competed in his share of triathlons as well. He also has a background in aerospace engineering(rocket science), hence the company name. Marcin is a little different from most Americans, well, because he's Polish. I am Polish too, so I understand his sometimes "outside the box" sense of humor. I am however lacking the accent and the ability to speak the language. For those who know Marcin they will tell you that he is a very kind and very generous natured person. This I've found to be a quality which most of the other Polish people I've met possess. He is also very detail oriented and strives to attain making the most perfect product he can imagine while using his education to put facts behind the design of the products. No marketing hype here!

So our meeting went very well. We were able to address key components which we needed to focus on in order to build a strong foundation. We are secure with our current line and have set production schedules to take us through the next few years. We have also put together a proposal of events we may attend pending budgetary needs for the events and looking at our company calendar for any conflicts.

My next step is to meet with our various independant reps from around the country and get them up to speed with our current position and where we go from here. Additional reps will be hired for regions which do not yet have representation.



Tim Jackson said...

Thank you for this insight into the process. It's always cool to know I'm not alone in the process!

Keep sharing brother!

Queen of Couth said...

So is Marcin hot like Dr. McCooldown?
Just trying to get the facts down, here.
Peace Out