Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rocket Skin Makes News

On Tuesday February 3rd, Marcin, myself and our new swim industry salesperson Kelvin Koch headed to downtown Austin. Destination? The University of Texas Swim Center.

Fox 7 News contacted us after seeing our article in the Austin American Statesman and wanted to check out our revolutionary Rocket Skin first hand. Marcin was temporarily in town from Shanghai was eager to talk about our company and our newest product. Here's how it went down...



Myles said...

I'm curious. Is this suit faster than Speedo's LZR Racer.

Darren Zielinski said...

An independent study done in Europe found it to be faster. Here are the results:
Suit Type Number of Strokes 25m pool
Traditional Swim Suit 16 - 17
Speedsuit (short legs & arms) 14 - 15
rocket SKIN 13 - 14