Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rocket Science Sports Goes Running!

Rocket Science Sports has made it's inaugural appearance to the running community at this year's Austin Marathon Expo.

If one could plan weather for an expo and following race, it could not have been more perfect than this past weekends. As all the vendors piled into the Palmer Event Center on Friday the weather was cool and dry. Saturday during the expo it became cold and rainy, which is what most vendors secretly wish for because it helps drive the crowd inside to shop, and keeps them in. Saturday just before closing the expo the sky opened up, the sun came out and was perfect for loading up the trailers and vans. Wow!

The whole thing was made possible by RunTex who has recently picked up our products including our race belts, our gear bags and some custom timing chip straps we made with their logo on them. We set up right in the middle of all the action and it was go go go all day!

Nick Sullivan who is our dealer in Loveland Colorado (3XFast) came down to our lovely town and ran a very respectable 1:56 half on our course which was pretty hilly. Way to go Nick! Sorry you had to return to cold and gloomy weather after enjoying our early spring.

I wanted to give a big thanks to Kim Larson of Tri-DC Magazine for sending some of her friends by to meet me from TriTeamZ. Everyone was very attentive to my product demonstrations and get an A+ for product support. Kim, you can be proud. I hope I did well at making them feel welcome in Austin.


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